The regulatory backdrop around crypto remains unclear as Coinbase and Binance have become the latest targets of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Kavita Gupta, General Partner at Delta Blockchain Fund, spoke with Yahoo Finance about the regulatory challenges faced by the cryptocurrency industry. She also emphasized the need for transparency and clarity regarding the criteria for classifying tokens as securities. The interview also touched on the potential impact on startups and crypto innovation in the United States. Kavita, who was formerly the head of ConsenSys Ventures, expressed concern that the lack of regulatory guidance and clarity would drive startups to incorporate outside the US, hindering the country’s ability to foster blockchain innovation.
Prior to joining Delta, Smit was Co-Founder and CTO of CoinCrunch India, which is one of India’s first crypto news platform Smit has worked with various Indian exchanges including CoinDCX, CoinDelta and various projects in technical capacity.
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